On behalf of the management of WesTrac, I would like to thank you and your team for the valuable assistance given to us in determining the content and facilitating the cultural integration sessions that took place as a result of a new business acquisition. We have had a lot of positive feedback from both the management of WesTrac and the newly acquired employees
Role Ambiguity at Work Training Course
Role ambiguity at work is the #1 cause of conflict in the workplace
How many workplace disputes are caused by role uncertainties at work. You feel someone’s dancing in your space and you’re not happy. But maybe you’ve been dancing in their space. Maybe neither have you should be dancing in the space as someone else is looking after it. So all you’re doing is doubling up unnecessarily.
How to remove role ambiguity at work?
Role ambiguity is quite stubborn. It won’t remove itself and it continues tangling. The training will give you the tools to get rid of role ambiguity.
An IT person told me once that he’d spent a year on a project that had been canned 4 years previously. She had a team of 12 working for 18 months flat out for nothing.
Leaders and managers need to accept that there will be ambiguity and uncertainty because leadership is not always straightforward. But organisations can remove heaps of ambiguity with this inhouse workshop.
“Ambiguity The Devil’s Volleyball” – Emo Phillips
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Key Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of the course participants will be able to:
- set aside 10 mins every day to plan the day’s activities
- review key purpose and outcome of senior leadership roles
- identify key tasks and responsibilities of own role
- distinguish between accountability as a virtue and as a mechanism
- distinguish between people, technical and resourcing tasks
- evaluate current mix of tasks of own role
- identify and assess the level of their own role
Course Description
Leaders and managers need to be skilled and comfortable at navigating through the grey area that occurs as a result of ambiguity.
Would you like to attend this program?
For maximum effectiveness, this program is best conducted as an in-house program.
Venue: For your convenience, you can choose to conduct this program at your workplace. Alternatively, we can provide a training venue at a small additional cost.
Duration: Each course can be tailored to your timeframe.
Target Audience: Managers and staff
Removing Role Ambiguity 4.2 out of 5 based on 39 user ratings.

Australia-wide training courses and workshops
At Preferred Training Networks, we provide both in-person and online training programs for a wide range of organisations across Australia. Our Role Ambiguity at Work Training Course is run by experienced, qualified experts and tailored to the needs of your business and your employees. Our leadership and management education courses are designed to help your team thrive and develop valuable skills that can transform your workplace.
With programs available in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane and other areas of Australia, we’re able to help businesses across the country create lasting behavioural change and provide them with the tools they need to reach new heights. If you think your business would benefit from Role Ambiguity at Work Training Course and the help of our professional coaching network, take the first step and contact our team today. Wherever you are in Australia, our coaching program can either come to your organisation or we organise a venue for your convenience. Find out what our training, workshops and skills courses can do for your business and reap the benefits for years to come.
Get your free online quote right now or give us a call on 1300 323 752 to find out more about Preferred Training Networks and discuss your requirements with us.